Master of Organizational Leadership

Make a difference. Create real change.

如果你想学习如何在工作中有所作为,做出真正的改变, at home and in your community, SAU has a program for you. Learn to lead, inspire, 并通过我们独特的MOL项目将人们聚集在一起, and achieve all of your goals.

This degree also may be completed online.

Our graduates work for the U.S. Armed Forces, Exelon Nuclear, HON, Deere & 公司,通力,K-12学区,市政府等等. 

Ambrose Advantages

  • Learn To Lead Change
  • Exceptional Faculty
  • 由认证委员会认可的商学院计划

male student

Dan Ebener with Students

MOL Classroom Discussion

我们MOL的学生和教授是学习的伙伴, through spirited classroom discussions, 共同探讨领导力的意义和意义. 在我们的MOL课程中,您将获得成为一名有效领导者的技能和能力.

Read the MOL Fact Sheet (pdf)

"Giving Up Is Not an Option"

Thandra Ritchie '21 MOL
Grit and Tenacity

Going blind at the age of 50 never stopped Thandra. 她在获得MOL学位的同时还全职工作并教授健身课程.

Watch Thandra's Inspiring Story


What will I learn?

Core courses include leadership theory, conflict management, strategic planning, communication in organizations, leading change, and more.

你从一长串包括仆人式领导的选修课中进行选择, ethical and social responsibility of business, human behavior in organizations, not-for-profit sectors, and managing across cultures. 这意味着你的学位要符合你的个人和职业目标和兴趣.

我们30学时的课程可以在两年多一点的时间内完成,每学期一门课程,共12节课. We offer two, eight-week sessions in the fall; two, eight-week sessions in the spring; and one summer session. 每周上一次课,晚上上四个小时,这样学生就可以继续全职工作.

We also offer the program in an accelerated format. You could earn an MOL in as few as 12 months.

Contact us to learn more. 

What makes the St. Ambrose MOL program unique?

竞技宝app下载安装教育的质量不仅仅是一个结果, 这是一种由知识渊博的教授在每节课上精心打造的体验,并通过对话培养, not lecture.

  • 我们的MOL班平均14名学生,所以你会得到教师更多的个人关注.
  • 教职员工同样致力于学生和奖学金,许多人从事研究.
  • What you learn in class matters in the real world. In the Work-Based Action Project,学生们将他们所学到的知识应用到工作或竞技宝app下载中有意义的项目中.
  • Our holistic approach to the study of human behavior, 根植于文科、理科和商科, also considers the ethical dimension of leadership.
  • Our program has immediate value. Learn it today and apply it tomorrow. How? Watch this video about our MOL program.

安布尔·布拉克(Amber Brackey) 17届MBA, 18届MOL,在圣罗兰大学获得了两个研究生学位. 在竞技宝app下载安装商学院获得了更深层次的专业知识,得到了认可和赞赏. Read Amber's story

Saye Beipa ‘13 MOL previously had studied leadership as an undergraduate at the University of Liberia in the capital city of Monrovia, and came to the US eager to learn more. 在爱荷华州马斯卡廷扎根后,他发现了圣. Ambrose had precisely the program he wanted. “我的愿景是把这个项目带回我的国家,这样所有非洲国家的学生都会听说这个项目,并前来报名. I am thinking big." Read Saye's story.

What have alums of this program done?
  • Kelly Dalton是罗克韦尔柯林斯公司的高级工程经理. 他指导员工,处理绩效问题,并招聘新员工. 凯利说,他的职位是他在MOL项目中学到的直接结果.
  • 凯蒂罗默'15 MOL是创世纪健康系统合规专家. She said the program deeply impacted who she is, how she does her job, 以及她在《竞技宝app下载安装》中为他人提供的支持.
  • Eric Page '13 MOL是卡内基通信的区域主管. 从他参加MOL项目到拿到学位的这段时间, Eric took a job at the University of Iowa, 他在战略和招生沟通业务部门获得了三次晋升. Before joining Carnegie Communications, 埃里克是爱荷华大学本科招生和交流主任, leading a full-time staff of 28.
  • Carol Beach '15 MOL是Alliant Energy商业资源中心的团队负责人, her second promotion since entering the MOL program.
  • Jake Montague '14 MOL是John Deere收割机工厂的集装箱专家. While working on his MOL, 他接受了这个职位,在工厂监督一个由34名UAW员工组成的团队. Jake says since earning his degree, 他更愿意在他的教会和竞技宝app下载中担任领导角色.     

组织领导硕士课程是由国家认证的 大学商学院和项目协会 (ACBSP).

St. 竞技宝app下载安装是由高等教育委员会认可的.

How much does this program cost?

资助硕士学位可能看起来令人望而生畏,但我们的学生很快就知道,一个St. 竞技宝app下载安装教育是负担得起的,物有所值.

2022-23 Tuition

Tuition is $755/credit hour for seated and online classes; fees are listed below.

Tuition Assistance

Many employers offer tuition assistance. 和你的人力资源办公室核实一下,看看是否有这些福利. 如果是这样,您可以申请延期付款或与我们联系 Financial Aid Office for more information.

The St. 竞技宝app下载安装商学院提供有限数量的研究助理奖学金. Email the MOL Program Coordinator for an application.

If you are a veteran, admissions specialist Natalie Woodhurst 可以帮助你确定你是否有好处,以及如何最好地投资于SAU教育. 每学期至少修满6个学分(夏季修满3个学分)的研究生有资格获得最高20美元的低息联邦贷款,500 this academic year.

Apply by going to the FAFSA website or get more information on the Graduate Admissions page

Graduate Fees

2023-24 Fees

9个或以上学时的研究生$280/年. ($140/semester)
8个或更少学时的研究生140美元/年. ($70/semester)

Program Details

Requirements (30 credits)

Core Courses (24 credits)
MOL 501 Leadership Theory
MOL 529 Conflict Management
MOL 540 Leadership Communication
MOL 625 Leading Organizational Change
MOL 691 Dialogical Skills
MOL 701 Strategic Leadership
MOL 715 Leadership Work Action Project
MOL 716 Leadership Research Paper

Electives (6 credits). Choose two.
MOL 515 Decision-Making and Leadership
MOL 557 Building Effective Teams
MBA 621 Human Behavior in Organizations
MOL 635 Servant Leadership
MOL 645 International Issues in Leadership
MOL 655 Political and Civic Leadership
MOL 710 Ethics in Leadership
MOL 790 Independent Inquiry in Leadership
MOL 792 Special Topics 

Read MOL course descriptions

Accelerated Full-Time Course Schedule

Accelerated (Full-Time) Sample Degree Plan

Year 1
Fall-1 MOL 501 Leadership Theory
Fall-1 MOL 540 Strategic Communication
Fall-2 MOL 625 Leading Change
Fall-2 MOL 529 Conflict Management
Spring 1 MOL 691 Dialogical Skills
Spring 1 & 2 MOL 715 Leadership Work Action Project (16 weeks)
Spring 2 MOL TBD Elective
Summer 1 MOL TBD Elective

Year 2
Fall-2 MOL 701 Strategic Leadership
Fall-1和2 MOL 716领导力研究论文(16周)


Traditional Course Schedule

Year 1
Fall-1 MOL 501 Leadership Theory
Fall-2 MOL 625 Leading Change
Spring-1 MOL 540 Leadership Communication
Spring-2 MOL 529 Conflict Management
Summer electives are offered

Year 2
Fall-1 MOL 691 Dialogical Skills
Fall-2 MOL 701 Strategic Leadership
Spring 1 & 2 MOL 715 Leadership Work Action Project (16 weeks)
Spring-2 MOL Elective
Summer 1 MOL Elective

Year 3
Fall 1 & 2 MOL 716 Leadership Research Paper (16 weeks)


Apply Visit Info


Tony Ketelaar, Director of Graduate Admissions

Admission and Welcome Center
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

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